Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Title Explanation (Assignment #1)

Blogs are like a box of never know what you're gonna get. Now I'm not the most creative or deepest thinking person out there, so my blog title doesn't have a lot of hidden meaning behind it. This was just one of the first titles that came to mind, and who doesn't appreciate a Forrest Gump reference every once in a while? When I signed up for this Introduction to Literature class, I did not expect it to include assignments such as writing blogs online. When I think about literature or English classes, I expect to just be reading different works and discussing them; pretty much the same routine over and over again. However I find this new twist of posting things online to be rather interesting and a good way to incorporate modern technologies into the classic world of literature.
Personally I am inexperienced with this whole blogging thing, as I have never been required to write any for any class before nor have I done any such thing in my leisure time. I've never thought about spilling out my random thoughts in some public place for the world to see, and I figure the greater part of the world doesn't care about my random thoughts either which is why I have never tried writing blogs. So when I think about it, my spur of the moment title is really more applicable than I initially thought. I am not sure what other types of things we will be required to post on here, but I am rather interested to find out.

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